Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Truth v. The Facts

Before I go off on a couple of rants, I wanted to clarify something. Some people get the truth and the facts confused. Just because something is true does not make it factual. For example, sometimes in the forest, you will see a ring of mushrooms growing. Why do they grow in a ring? Well, there is a fungus that grows from a central point and only puts up fruit on it's periphery. That is the facts. The truth is that, on the nights of the full moon, fairies come out to dance in the moonlight. They dance in circles, and where their feet land, mushrooms grow. If you sleep within one of these fairy rings, they may take umbrage and cart you off to Arcadia.

With this in mind, I think that the Bible is the truth, I just don't think it has much to do with the facts.

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