Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Carbon Credit Card

This whole "carbon credit" broo-ha-ha is starting to irritate me. The gist of the system that They seem to be proposing is that people who used to pollute a lot get credit for the pollution that they are not producing, and can sell that credit to other people so that they can pollute. I am going to have to file that right next to paying people not to grow corn. I mean, WTF?!? You were an asshole, but you get credit for being less of an asshole?

Here is my suggestion. Sam figures out how much C02 should be released in a given year. He then gives the credits to US! The credits can then be sold on the carbon market, and we get to keep the cash. So who is going to buy the carbon? Sure the power companies will have to buy a BUNCH of them, and they pass the costs on to their consumers, who are either us or people who sell us stuff. However, gasoline companies would have to buy credits for all the gas they sell. That price shows up at the pump. Farmers? They are gonna get seven kinds of screwed, unless they are no-till organic farmers. Food prices go up. Oh, and all that food that comes in from Mexico, Chile, and places further away? Pow! Strangely enough, even though all of the cash will be coming back to us, we will be paying it all back out. The big thing is, we will actually get to see the carbon cost of the things we buy. That would not suck.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Mama gets Gypped

Once there was a garden which belonged to a mama named Joh. [This is a story about you, Mom.] And it grew lovely carrots. [That's the whole story]

This is a story for Daddy

There once was a big monster, who lived in a cabin with his family. And he liked to travel in the woods. One day it was snowing in the forest. And a little girl was walking in the forest, finding a perfect spot to make a snowman.

The monster was out at the same time, looking for children to eat. [Remember, Mom, if you get scared, I'll come snuggle you.] And the monster found the little girl just as she was about to put the hat on the snowman. [Are you scared, Mom? A little. I'll come snuggle you. Remember, the words can't jump out of the page and turn into a monster. So don't be scared, Mother.]

The Perfect Gift

This is the perfect gift for the cook in your family. Well, if the cook happens to be me it is.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Stuart has 2, both on the bottom. One is all the way through, the other is about half way through. I figured this out when he was gnawing on my finger. Ow.

My Snow Angel

"Let's go out and make snow angels!"

"That will be a little cold on your bare bottom."

"I'll put on my underwear."

"That's gonna help."

This scene repeated multiple times. "Let's go outside!" "OK, put your clothes on." "Let's make a snowman!" "Once you get dressed." Etc. It seems, however, that she has clothes on now. I guess I had better put on my shoes.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Snow Child Videos

Well, I took off early from work, came home and played out in the snow with my girl. How much fun is that! Judge for yourself.

This however, is the best. I wish that Tory had given me this look.

(Not) a Snow Day

So I checked to see if the office was closed Today, I just checked too early. Usually 7:00 is a fine time to check, but Today they changed the message at 7:45. (sigh) Tory is home from school and I could go home too. Why don't I? Well, for one, I spent 15 min watching a truck unblock 165th. It had gotten itself stuck across both lanes. You can file that under SUCK! Since I am already here, I might as well catch up on the news and my mail, drink my coffee, warm up, and let the roads clear. The other reason is that Today is the day I scheduled to stay late to work on my homework. Might as well do that now and then go home. Maybe I can help Tory make a snowman.

Phollow the Phil

Saw this over on the blog belonging to Brother Nunchuku of Loving Kindness, and I am always a whore for cheap content.

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: The Neutron Bomb of Courteous Debate.

Get yours.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Notes on the Week

This week Stuart had his first solid food, bananas. He was TOTALLY into it. Give him a spoon and he puts it in his mouth, then starts gnawing on it. You bring another loaded spoon close and he discards the one he has like yesterdays diaper. Grab! Chomp! This was followed by some outstanding diaper rash. Not an unusual thing with Stuart. He can get a rash from Johanna LOOKING at the wrong foods. One missed poo-job and he is bright red for a week.

In other news, Stu went potty on the potty! Not that he had any idea what was going on, but Joh plopped him on there at an opportune time (right after a nap with a dry diaper) and BINGO! We have been unable to reproduce the event, however. I guess that past performance is no indication of future returns.

Lastly, Joh and I have FINALLY clued into what is wrong with Tory. Keeping in mind that this is a child that has never dealt well with change, over the last few weeks we have:

  1. Had my mother in town for a week.
  2. Flown her to Ohio without her Father.
  3. Brought her Father out to Ohio.
  4. Flown everyone except Gram Ma back to Portland...
  5. Coming home to house guests!
  6. Then school starts again, and they have lost the primary teacher...
  7. and Tory's favorite teacher...
  8. and totally rearranged the room.
This series of event has Tory totally off the script. Acting out, accidents, hitting, etc., etc.. So, Tory went nowhere on Saturday, and only to Church on Sunday. Over both days there was a parent tasked to make sure someone was paying attention to her. Sunday was awesome! Toryseemed to have some idea of how to function. For the rest of this week, however, she will be going to school and just about nothing else. No trips to the store, no sudden shopping trips, and no visits to family. Next weekend we will assess the progress and see if we can do an early dinner with theMellinger-Tzetos clan.