This week Stuart had his first solid food, bananas. He was TOTALLY into it. Give him a spoon and he puts it in his mouth, then starts gnawing on it. You bring another loaded spoon close and he discards the one he has like yesterdays diaper. Grab! Chomp! This was followed by some outstanding diaper rash. Not an unusual thing with Stuart. He can get a rash from Johanna LOOKING at the wrong foods. One missed poo-job and he is bright red for a week.
In other news, Stu went potty on the potty! Not that he had any idea what was going on, but Joh plopped him on there at an opportune time (right after a nap with a dry diaper) and BINGO! We have been unable to reproduce the event, however. I guess that past performance is no indication of future returns.
Lastly, Joh and I have FINALLY clued into what is wrong with Tory. Keeping in mind that this is a child that has never dealt well with change, over the last few weeks we have:
- Had my mother in town for a week.
- Flown her to Ohio without her Father.
- Brought her Father out to Ohio.
- Flown everyone except Gram Ma back to Portland...
- Coming home to house guests!
- Then school starts again, and they have lost the primary teacher...
- and Tory's favorite teacher...
- and totally rearranged the room.
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